Office of Health Equity Research
URMC / / Health Equity Research / Community Engagement
The UR CTSI is dedicated to engaging the community at all stages of research. Community engagement helps health research addresscommunity needs and is a philosophy that supports partnership betweencommunity and academicsto develop strategies that address those needs. At the UR CTSI, we train researchers and community members to work together and provide funding to support and advance these partnerships.
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Community Health EquityResearch Priorities
In 2021, members of the UR CTSI worked with community partners to identify five top priority health issues and inequities impacting the Rochester and Finger Lakes region. Our goal is to address each of these issues through focused research. Learn more about our community's top health priorities.
Guiding Principles
TheGuiding Principles for Community-Engaged Researchwere developed by the University of Rochester Medical Center's Community Advisory Board and were approved in 2008.
Community-Based Participatory Research Training Program
In this free program, University of Rochester researchers and community members will learn how to conduct research that involves recipients of interventions in all phases of the research process.Learn more about the CBPR Training Program.
Structural Racism in Healthcare and Research Course
Explore how a history of racism has shaped the relationships between doctors/researchers and patients/research participants who are Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC).In this free program, University of Rochester researchers and community members will learn that racism, and not race, causes health disparities. Learn more about the Structural Racism in Healthcare and Research Course.
Community Engagement in Research and Population Health Online Course
Explore the importance of engaging community as researchers, educators and managers to improve the health of the population. In this free, online course, participants will learn about the changinghealth system landscape, how delivery systems work together to plan health improvement, and how effective community-based participation in research and intervention is crucial to developeffective solutions. Visit Coursera to enroll.
Funding & Awards
Community Health Mini-Grant Program
These one-time grants of up to $2,000 support the development, reinforcement or evaluation of research partnerships between the University of Rochester and surrounding community.Learn more about the Mini-Grant Program.
Community-Based Participatory Research Pathway-to-Pilot Awards
This $15,000 grant supports University of Rochester-community teams with experience conducting community-based participatory research, so they may compete for further pilot or external funding.Learn more about the CBPR Pathway-to-Pilot Awards.
Satcher Community Health Improvement Awards
The Dr. David Satcher Community Health Improvement Awards recognizes URMCfaculty and stafffor significant contributions to the health of the community through research, teaching, practice, and/or service programs.Learn more about the Satcher Awards.
Community Engagement Consultations
The UR CTSI and Center for Community Health & Prevention offer a variety of consultations services to ensure researchers have the support they need to develop and conduct studies in the community. Request a consultation.
Community Engagement Studios
These studios provide a structured forum for researchers to gain valuable patient or community insight on their research and have the potential to transform the way the community and investigators work together.Learn more about Community Engagement Studios.
Integrating Special Populations Consultations
The UR CTSI can help you integrate special populations – like those distinguished by race, ethnicity, language, disability, or socioeconomic status – into your research teams or health research studies.Learn about integrating special populations.
Centers & Committees
National Center for Deaf Health Research (NCDHR)
This CDC-funded Prevention Research Center works with Deaf ASL users and people with acquired hearing loss to promote health and prevent disease using a community-based participatory research approach.Learn more about NCDHR.
Community Advisory Council
This council represents the voice of the community to guide and support education, research, patient care and community health efforts at the University of Rochester Medical Center.Learn more about the Advisory Council.
Population Health Coordinating Committee
This interdisciplinary group collaborates with clinical and community service programs across the university to advance research and education programs in population health and community engagement.Learn more about PHCC.
Community Engagement Function Team
John Cullen, Ph.D., Community Engagement Function Leader, Professor in the UR CTSI and Center for Community Health &Prevention, Director of Diversity and Inclusion for the UR CTSI and Associate Director in the Susan B. Anthony Center
Theresa Green, Ph.D., M.B.A., Community Engagement Education Coordinator and Director of Community Health Policy and Education
Kathleen Holt, Ph.D., Community Engagement Senior Scientist
Silvia Sorensen, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Human Development in the Warner School of Education, Center for Community Health &Prevention and the Department of Ophthalmology
Laura Sugarwala, M.B.A., R.D.,Director of Community Health Partnerships at the Center for Community Health &Prevention