Encountering an Odd Maelstrom - Yeyaxi (2024)

Naruto glanced over her surroundings, pondering the location, she had difficulty finding what she had come for. However, upon inspection she notice a body drifting down the old Naka River.

He had blood stain that ran down from his eyes or used to by the looks of it.

She was going to leave him there but notice he had a faint smile, made her too curious to leave him there to die.

The blonde pull him out of the water and place him carefully on the ground. Her eyes caught the Uchiha fan on his back. The man shiver as they lay him on his back.

Naruto used a healing technique, it seems he has been poison and found another surprise "oh, you're a natural born Uchiha" that made him jerk.

Staring at him contemplating, the green glow faded. After a long silence Naruto made her decision "don't worry I'm not going to hurt you... in fact, quite the opposite once I heal you" she gently wipe the blood off his face, and placed a seal on him.

Naruto place her hand over the Uchiha eyes. Concentrating for a second before remove it "open your eyes" hearing the gently voice command made him complied. It shocked shisui his vision was back, and was met with the medic that looks similar (exactly) to that little squirt, he and his little cousin are classmate.

She smile down at him, the only thing he can do right now is stare back, the moonlight adds a soft glow to her hair.

Suddenly her head snap up looking annoyed "are you planning to hide the entire time and watch like a creep or are you going to come out?"

Naruto gave shisui a brief glance "I'll be right back stay put" and in a instant she was gone. Shisui waited, still laying on the ground cold and wet. He's still alive.

When a bright light and footsteps caught his attention, Naruto was holding this ghostly white person thing? by its neck like someone would do to their pet. It let out this horrible screech but was cut off mid screeching when Naruto told it to be quiet. The burning flame surrounding her faded as well.

Shisui shiver when a cold breeze pass by Naruto notice this and drop the thing and made a shadow clone to take care of it. "Sit up" shisui follow the command, he didn't feel any ache from his injure body anymore. Naruto crouch down in front of shisui and lift his chin with her index finger, looking at his face, side to side.

"Hmm..." she wonder briefly.

"I made the right decision in healing you" She let go of his face and help him up, he was still feeling a little sluggish. Shisui has been trying to speak but no sound comes out or move any muscle in commend.

"So tell me Uchiha..."

Shisui was pull close proximity to her and the next thing they appear in a different place.

Naruto lets go of him, she gently placed her hand on his cheek, her thumb stroke his eyebrow "where are you from?" The answer was obvious but his response will just confirm with what she concluded.

"Konoha" his respond not sure if it was from him or the seal that forced it out of him but she also wore konoha headband. "So tell me, time lost Uchiha, what's your name?"


"Naruto Uzumaki, and as much I like to know if you knew my counterpart from your alter universe timeline" Naruto trace his face outline until she reach his lip, a shiver creep up Shisui spine. She linger there until Naruto pull away.

"I wasn't planning to cut my trip short or to bring anyone along..."

The exhaustion finally creep up on him. Shisui loses consciousness and didn't hear the rest.

Shisui open his eyes with a bit of difficulty from exhaustion, who knows how long he's been unconscious for. He still couldn't move, seems his in a lab he heard mutters and was only able to catch bits of 'he's an interesting subject to study and dissect- then hearing them leave angrily.

He flinched when something reflected. "Oh your awake" Naruto place the objects she was holding down.

He jerks again when he saw the lab equipment "don't worry it's not going to kill you nor would you feel any pain. It's like you fallen asleep in a sense." Shisui flinch again, knocking something and his world tilt as well.

"Kidding, I'm not that cruel, alright then. Let's see. Since I gave you your vision and save your life ultimately. I should at least offer you some choice"

She sigh excessively "knowing what orochimaru would say about human rights with tsunade and go on and on how wrong it is, the hokage is so soft"

The snake sannin is the hokage and lectured people on morals?

"One being is taking samples from you and recreate the Uchiha population up again but you reacted strongly against that earlier." Naruto snorted remembering his reaction.

"But instead you would be handed to the old councilors and they will choice what to do with you..." shisui instantly stiff just mentioning them. Naruto continued on.

"The second option is that I'll let you be my suitor... my partner, lover... let's say, swain. You get the idea." The blonde look down at him to ensure he's not lost. Shisui blinked waiting for her to continued.

"And by that I mean you will help me create the Uzumaki population as well" Naruto lift his chin up "so, what will you decide..?"

Anything is better then having the counselors involve. Either he gets taken apart or he stays under the Uzumaki protection. Shisui slurr out "lover."

Naruto gave him an amused look but nod "I will change the seals on you and gave a you bit more of freedom but you’re still key to me and you will only have access to your chakra when it's absolutely necessary"

Shisu stood up, it felt nice having his chakra back and being able to move his limbs. But grimaced, he felt disgusting, he's still wearing his clothes that were caked with blood, sweat and river water.

"Meiyo aru tsuma"

Naruto face soften when he addressed her. Honored wife, how cute. The Uchiha is adorable.

"May I have a set of clothes so I can wash?"

"Maa, maa, no need to be so formal with me when you want something, ok? Someone will bring you clothes in a bit and escort you to the washroom"

Naruto then left in a swirls of leafs, leaving shisui all alone.

Shisui has been staying inside that lab for about a week in a half now. People have have come and check up on him briefly, giving him water and bathroom breaks. They gave him one of those bitter soldier pill so he wouldn't starve.

He have asked multiple times when Naru chan will be back only to be met with silence about her whereabouts.

Shisui eyes fluttered open when he heard a familiar angry voice echo through the hallways. His attention snap to the direction of the door. Naru chan is finally back, she grin at him. He only saw a glimpse of people bowing behind her, their whole body shaking before she close the door.

"Sorry I was gone for so long, with the amount of work I had to file and submit. And then you know how stubborn the old councilors can be so I had to be... persuasive" Naruto chan grin became more feral and her eyes changed to a beast for a second then returned to her normal pretty blue eyes.

"Come" shisui follow her not before she handed him a cloth for his eyes which he gladly took, he can still see clearly with it. Naru Chan interlock their hands and pulls him along.

He heard her mutter 'it's unfair he looks even more attractive' and pouted. Shisui preen from her complement.

"Where are we going?" They appear outside people stop to look at them. This konoha gives him an eerie feeling. Noticing the strangely leaf ninja, the hyuga, nara, yamanaka-

"We're going to ichiraku ramen! To celebrate our engagement" Naruto smile giddy at him, completely ignoring the civilians obvious stare. Some greeted her as they pass by calling her Uzumaki sama.

He doesn't like it, their body language show a mixture of interest either of lust or fear, non in between, towards Naruto Chan. He would have flash his sharingan as a warning... maybe even putting them in a baby genjutsu. But he can't get Naruto in trouble, plus the seal.

"And for you young man, what would you like?"

"The same" shisui said absently still watching the bystanders, he felt something poke his cheek and he smell this nice scent. Instantly he look at Naruto Chan direction. Naruto retracted her hand and then pointed with her chin.

"You're food is going to get cold"

Oh kami, real food! Shisui savor every mouth full of ramen. While Naru Chan is already eating her second bowl. By the time they were done Naruto ate multiple bowls and was about to pay but teuchi say it's on the house, congratulating her on their engagement.

Naruto Chan held his hand and they appear in a different building. It must be her private sleeping quarters. So Shisui took off the blind fold.

"Is their any tradition from the Uchiha you would like to add for the ceremony?"

"Yes, Uzumaki sama"

Naruto entire demeanor change to a cold unrecognizable facade, sneering "you can call me any other name but that. Only the higher official and konoha ever address me with that title. You don't belong to the leaf, only to me, just me alone. I may have agreed to their terms to protect konoha in exchange to be the next candidate to becoming the hokage. But they can't lay a finger on what's mine. And you belong to me, don't you, Shisui?"

The Uchiha expression have been blank the entire time, listening carefully. After a moment of silence Shisui rest his forehead against her.

"Yes, Meiyo aru tsuma. Naruto...only yours...Just you"

Shisui didn't know what to expect after saying those words. But Naruto Chan just caressed his hair and mutter senseless praise to him and let shisui accompany her while she goes over some piled of scrolls list.

He doesn't know what to expect from Naru Chan when she rope him into things like vandalizing- well more like pulling off pranks out off jealously on "people" to the extreme that they end having a break down just for looking his way.

Which she has a fit and have him one time with a clone appear and take him to the hokage building, flaunt and declared her love for him and say.

"I don't have time for this. I'm going on a date and I'm fed up with all this argument. These people," Naruto gestured towards the civilians group, "are your responsibility. As for this Uchiha," she pointed at Shisui, "he's mine and he's coming with me." Shisui felt a surge of warmth at Naruto's possessive declaration.

The councilors are all ways fuming since then she always brings shisui to the meetings and when he addressed her so casually.

Naruto snorts, brushing off the scandalized objections from council members and clan leaders, opting instead to address her by name. But she told them of the white zetsu and the discovers that can help shinobi who lost a limb can get into the field work, which shut them up for a while.

Ultimately, Naruto is merely human, as much Shisui's as she is his. Loyalty from an Uchiha allegiances carriers it's own weight.

He may have an easy going demeanor around the blond. But he's always guarding his naru Chan and activating his sharingan as a warning towards people from approaching her let alone look at her direction. He had her wear the Uchiha fan and added it to all her other clothes.

Besides that, most they have done with each is caressed and taste one another. Exploring mouth and other body areas as they moves closer.

So when it does happen Naruto kisses him until it leaves them in a panting way and looks at shisui for a second and then continued. She pushes him in their bedroom and straddle him.

Naruto grinds on him and the cries she released sound so pretty to him. She acts on instinct, sinking her teeth into the hollow of Shisui's throat.

A deep groan rumbles from Shisui's chest as he tilts his head back, giving her better access. Naruto leans in further, drawing a dark bruise on his warm, pale skin. She feels Shisui's fingers flex in her hair before tightening, giving a gentle tug.

His hand reaches for Naruto's waist, drawing her nearer, while Naruto cups his jaw to tilt his head, biting down once more and then soothing the bite with her tongue.

Naruto's hand moved down between the man's legs and wrapped around his member, eliciting a pleasurable reaction from Shisui. Naruto kissed and nibbled his ear, panting softly as she positioned him. Shisui breathed heavily as intense waves of pleasure coursed through him.

Naruto lets herself be led, leaning into Shisui as he meets her halfway. His kisses are slow and almost dreamlike, intoxicating.

Shisui's lips and roaming hands drive Naruto wild, his fingers moving torturously slow as he opens her up. They kiss the entire time, and Naruto can't help the soft, needy sounds escaping into his mouth. With one hand on her hip, Shisui brushes his fingertips against that spot inside her that makes her cry out.

As they kiss again, Shisui swallows the whine Naruto makes as he eases his fingers out, torturously slow. She kisses him, guiding him upwards.

Naruto is the first to pull away, sitting up, tilting her head back, moaning towards the ceiling as, finally sinks inside.

They pause for a moment, as adjust, as Shisui holds her still. Naruto trembles on his co*ck, her hand shaking as she braces against the wall.

Shisui's thumb gently strokes her skin. She waits until he's squirming helplessly, panting like he's lost his breath, before she lifts again and pulls back down on his co*ck.

Shisui murmurs, and Naruto's eyes might roll back. Everything is already a little blurry. Naruto's vision blurs properly as she moves again, sliding against that spot, then starts to move faster.

With ease, Naruto rides him, both of them panting. She moves faster and faster, her eyes fixed on the flex of his forearms, a little dazed. Shisui never misses that spot, making her hitch and moan, and his voice breaks as he chokes out, "Naruto."

Shisui groans loudly, his fingers flexing on Naruto's waist. His voice is rough and low as he rasps.Naruto's fingers flex against the wall as she comes. "Naruto," Shisui groans. He comes right after her, and Naruto shudders in his hands.

Naruto slides her hand into his hair, guiding him gently, cradling the back of his head as she kisses him.

Shisui and Naruto kiss for a long time after that.

The Uchiha became even more possessive and protective towards his blond. Since they find out Naruto was pregnant. And his Naru Chan become hokage everyone-more specific the councilor have been walking around in egg shells with shisui presence.

Naruto hmm's looking around her office, thinking what would piss off those old goats. She smile at her loving Uchiha husband.

"What is it, Naru Chan?" Shisui tilt his head in question.

"You know there's something I always wanted to do in this office that involves you and me"

Shisui ears flush, he adjusted his blindfolded and made his way over. He smile along with her knowing what she had in mind.

Every leaf ninja stay away when they heard the... love noise. They know this would probably kill the old councilor.

Encountering an Odd Maelstrom - Yeyaxi (2024)
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Author: Pres. Carey Rath

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Name: Pres. Carey Rath

Birthday: 1997-03-06

Address: 14955 Ledner Trail, East Rodrickfort, NE 85127-8369

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Job: National Technology Representative

Hobby: Sand art, Drama, Web surfing, Cycling, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Leather crafting, Creative writing

Introduction: My name is Pres. Carey Rath, I am a faithful, funny, vast, joyous, lively, brave, glamorous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.