Pineville Sun from Pineville, Kentucky (2024)

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Pineville Suni

Pineville, Kentucky

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Thursday September 20 1955 THE HNEVHXE SUN PINEVILLE KT PAGE TITRE Bryan Sasser or Vv Mih wfe SEMATOit UCEA Meets At Union College Thursday Noted Speakers Coming Teachers in the Upper Cumber eatured among this land Education Association dis 1 notable speakers is Andy Holt Clay and Knox will meet at Un crs 11 AmcrKa IIe 1d the fiht ion College Thursday and riday lhe State of Tennessee to put October 6 and 7 This annual 'the Minimum oundation Pro meeting brings the teachers and gram into action in that state administrators together where He is an authority on financing tliey hear problems and offer sug education through this youthful gestions on the common cause of program undertaken by Kentucky education in this area i this year Thursday October 6 1955 IRST I MV PLATORM Executive Secretary Kentucky School Boards Association for putting it into operation in 1956 Qualified ormer Teacher Small Businessman Election Nov 8 1955 GENERAL SESSION Little Theatre Conway Boatman Chapel 7:30 Eastern Standard Time Case Thomasson President Hixon Pastor 2 3 General PLACE: TIME: PRESIDING: INVOCATION: rank irst Baptist Church Barbourville GREETINGS from Classroom Teachers: Helen Van Curon Director Classroom Teachers GREETINGS from Board of Education: Hampton District President I am in favor of the oundation Program for Pubic Schoos and fjDRESS: Dr Meece University of Kentucky I am in favor of more and bet ter arm to Market Roads Every rural mail route needs a hardtop road every rural and secondary road that has liecn built as long as two years needs blacktop sur face in order that the mainte nance of such a road will be less expensive also dust and dirt be eliminated 3 I am in favor of connecting the Levi Jackson Park Dr Thomas Walker Park Cumberland alls Park and Cumberland Gap Na tional Park with BETTER high ways The expenditures of Tour ists who visit Kentucky our parks and out scenic spots in the state is now second to agriculture in Kentucky amounting to more than five hundred twenty three million dollars in 1954 and over two billion dollars in the past eight years I am in favor of repealing the inheritance tax law in Kentucky so as to keep the capital in the state that we have and attract capital to the state also industry' and industrialists I am in favor of an Auto Title Ijiw so as to prevent gyppers from buying stolen cars in other states and selling them to people who arc innocent purchasers in our state Millions of dollars have been lost by our people by being victims of stolen automo biles which later on are taken up by the BI I am for repealing the so called Lien that imposes a state lien on property owned by recip ients of public assistance 7 I am opposed to blanket raises after an equalization board of the county has met and equalized property for tax purposes riday October 7 1955 SECOND GENERAL SESSION PLACE: Conway Boatman Chape! TIME 9:30 A Eastern Standard Time PRESIDING: Case Thomasson President INVOCATION Rev Hugh Smith Pastor Methodist Church Barbourville Ky MUSIC: Harlan High School Band Edward Minor Director 1000 GREETINGS: Dr Conway Boatman President Union College 10:10 GREETINGS from KEA Carlos Oakley President 10:20 REPORT of the Kentucky Commission on Teacher Education and Professional Standards Dr John Boyd Past President KEA 10:30 ADDRESS: Social Security or Teacher Retirement Dr Turpen Chairman KEA State Department Committee on Study of Retirement 11:00 SOLO: Marie Croley Director Music Knox Central High School 11:10 ADDRESS: Dr A Holt Vice President' University of Tennessee Past President National Education Association 1200 LUNCH THIRD GENERAL SESSION 1 00 2:00 Till following committees are requested to meet in Conway Boatman Chapel Left side Main Auditorium Right side Main Auditorium Stage Main Auditorium 1:00 2:00 English Teacher Group Meeting Little Theatre Gladys DeMarcus Area Representative of Council of English Teachers 2:00 3:00 PANEL Together to Improve Our Schools Under the ully inanced oundation Program" Dr Wendell Butler Chairman Marvin Dodson Executive Secretary A Carlos Oakley President A State Senator and Representative Candidates both parties from the UCEA District 3:00 BUSINESS of the Conway Boatman Chapel DINNER MEETING BOARDS EDUCATION CLASSROOM TEACHERS AND SCHOOLMASTERS TIME: Thursday October 6 6:30 EST PLACE: Union College Dining Hall LUNCHEON MEETING CLASSROOM TEACHERS TIME: riday October 7 Noon I am in favor of exempting every individual who make more than five ($500000) thousand dollars per year of all state Income taxes and of having to file any state tax return This will save double taxation on in dividuals and the annoyance of making out this return I am in favor of a Retirement Act permitting every one to re tire at 60 and derive the same benefits that are now legal at 65 This may help younger people to secure jobs earlier and help the older folks too There will come a time when we will be badly in need of more jobs I will be representing YOU and will try iny best to vote and leg islate for your interest I would like to be your Senator In Knox and Bell Counties and represent some 75000 of you I assure you it be for per sonal gain except the honor of being your Senator forget to Vote Nov 8 1955 BRYAN SASSER Bryan Sasser CAN REPRESENT YOU BETTER DUE TO THE ACT THAT YOUR LEGISLATURE WILL BE DEMOCRATIC It has been proven that in order to get more for Southeastern Kentucky we must have a man whom the Governor and Legislature will work with ir the sake of our Counties of rll and Elect Bryan Sasser YOUR STATE SENATOR PLACE: Blackstone Hotel STATE IB 'Die population of the institu TREAT 743 PATIENTS lions increased by three during I the month with 141 admissions The State tuberculosis hospi and 138 discharges tai population at the end cf Aug 1 The patient total at each hos ust was 743 with 673' of the pital on August 31 number receiving free treat I Madisonville 100 Louisville ment the State Tuberculosis 1 23G Paris 106 Ashland 98 Sanatoria Commission reported London 102 and Glasgow lOi today It cost an average of $721 a orty homemakers of Kenton day to maintain patients in the county had a five day trip to hospitals with' costs since July 1 New York City the Staffords aggregating $159895 at all the in burg Homemakers Club initiat stitutions the report showed ing the idea 4 STATE OREST TIMBER SALE Location Amount: AU the timber marked for cutting on an area embracing about 240 acres within the Kentucky Ridge 4 orest in Campbell Branch a tributary to Big Clear Creek a in Bell County Kentucky A map of the sale area can be 4 obtained upon request The marked volumes on the sale 4 area and minimum prices that will be accepted for each spe 4 ties follows: Yellow poplar Cucumber Basswood 149000 Bd 4 at $1800 per Bd White and Chestnut oaks 31000 4 Bd at $1000 per Bd Mixed Oaks 47000 Bd 4 at $600 per Bd Hickory 24000 at $300 per Bd 4 Hemlock and Pine 14000 Bd at $1400 per Bd 4 Sugar Maple 7400 Bd at $1000 per Bd Beech 29000 Bd at $500 per Bd Other Hardwoods 29000 4 Bd at $400 per Bd Black Walnut and Black Cherry 3000 Bd at $1800 per Bd Red Oak 23000 Bd at $1100 per Bd The foregoing volumes are not guaranteed but arc the results found by tree measurement therefore the final volumes may be more or less than the quoted volumes but are considered 1 final for this sale Deposit: Each bid must be accompanied by a check money order or bank draft in the amount of $150000 payable to the Kentucky Division of orestry to be applied against the pur 4 chase price refunded or retained in whole or in part as liqui 4 dated damages according to conditions of the sale 4 inal Date of Bids: Sealed bids will be received by the Sup 4 erintendent State orests and Timber Management Box 31 4 Pineville Kentucky up to 9 AM (EST) October 10 1955 4 A public auction will be held at the District office 4 Pineville Hotel Building Pineville Kentucky at 9 A (EST) 4 October 10 1955 scaled bids will be opened and posted at 4 the start of the oral bidding The right to reject any and I all bids is reserved urther Information: Before bids are submitted full informa tion concerning the timber and the conditions of sale should be obtained from the Supt State orests and Timber Man agement Box 31 Pineville or the District orester South I eastern District Pineville Hotel Building Box 31 Pineville 1 Kentucky A conducted inspection of the sale area will be made October 3 1955 Interested persons should meet at 4 the District office in the Pineville jtlotel Building at 9 A (EST) for this inspection DENNEY SCHEDULES TWELVE APPEARANCES OR OCTOBER 3 8 Edwin Denney Republican candidate for governor has slat ed a full schedule for the week of Oct 3 8 according to Charles Upton head of the GOP Speak Bureau Monday October 3 Denney will be in Louisville for a meet ing of the state Baptist Ministers Association at the Baptist Hospi tal Tuesday he will make an all day tour of Louisville and Jef ferson County Wednesday Denney goes into Western Kentucky for an all day tour and visit of Paducah Wick liffe Mayfield and Benton Thurs day the candidate will attend a soil conservation convention at Kenlake Hotel Kentucky Dam Three speaking engagements are scheduled for riday They arc 10:30 am at Marion 1:30 pm at Princeton and 7:30 pm at Greenville Denney heads into Central Kentucky for two speaking en gagements Saturday They are 1:30 pm at lemingsburg and 7:30 pm at Richmond All times are Central Standard Details of the tours and addres ses are being handled by county chairmen in the various local ities ACCIDENTS SHOW DROP ITH STRAIGHT YEAR Kentucky's industrial accident total has continued a downward decline for the fifth year in suc cession according to a report to day by Harrison Robertson State commissioner of Industrial Relations There were 10619 accidents reported to the Work Compensation Board dur ing the year ending June 30 compared with 11864 for the pre ceding year The board allowed compensa tion benefits under approved agreements totaling $241580566 and allowed an additional $862 69968 in awards made in con tested cases The board rendered 296 opin ions in which awards were made in 231 cases and' denied in 65 The revealing thing about the work of the board is that its work is current in all said Robertson cases are disposed of by the board within a short period of time after a final report is made by the ref eree to whom it has been re ferred Long delays are not sanc tioned and the board is fully abreast of its Robertson also said the fact that there were fewer accidents being reported each year showed that improved safety practices are being observed A 1000 acre park is being developed here where the Russell ork of the Big Sandy River breaks through the mountains on the Kentucky Virginia border near Elkhorn City in Pike County The Breaks Interstate Park was dedicated Labor Day with Senators Clements and Barkley among the speakers Shotgun Blast Kills Boy And 14 Year Old Youth Arrested point a gun at uneral services for Graham was the last remarks reported to were held at the Dewitt Baptist have been made by Curtis Otis (Church Tuesday at 10:30 with the Graham 17 who met death from Rev Bingham officiating a shotgun blast on Moores Creek 1 Interment was in the Amis ceme Sunday morning and the alleged tery at lat Lick with Hoppers in accidental shooting has resulted charge an arrest of Noah Mills 14 son 1 of Mr and Mrs Clyde Mills Mills was taken into custody and later released on bond and the trial was set for Thursday morn ing at 10:00 before Judge Bingham CANCER CLINIC OR CHILDREN The Kentucky Division Amer ican Cancer Society in coopera tion with Hospital Louisville Ky has opened a pediatric cancer clinic for medic ally indigent patients under the age of eighteen Medically indigent children under the age of eighteen with a symptom suggestive of cancer may be referred to this clinic that is in session each Tuesday at 1:00 pm It is held at Child ren's Hospital 226 Chestnut Louisville Ky It is requested that the refer ring physician make an appoint ment through Israel Diamond Director of the Cancer Clinic 226 Chestnut Louisville 2 Ky When absolutely necessary transportation costs of the pa tient and one attendant will be cared for by the Kentucky Divis ion arm men and women on the annual loyd county field day tour saw variety tests of hybrid ccrn an acre of commercial strawberries gardens pastures meadows and irrigation It was reported that Graham and Mills along with several oth er boys who had met at the Mills home on Moores Creek had plan ned to attend an all day meeting at the Ivy Grove Church in Bell county They had hunted the day before with the gun that dis charged killing Graham Young Mills brought the gun out to the porch and was reported to have waved the gun around the crowd of people and he was warned by Graham that it was not a good thing to point a gun at anyone Mills was said to have remarked that the gun was not loaded Only a few seconds later the blast ripped into chest fatally wounding him PROCLAMATION Kentucky throughout her his tory has maintained a purpose toward expansion of democratic ideals one of which is attainment of peace with honor throughout the Governor Wetherby declared in proclaim ing October 24 as Na tions and asking for its ap propriate observance urge the people of the Com monwealth to remember the re lease of wounded and oppressed Americans from Communist pri son cells procured by this organ said the Governor behalf of the people of Kentucky I commend the United Nations for this and other outstanding achievements in the belief that it may be the medium for all mankind to fulfill ever greater UY7r rx Wl JwA AWWeeT STOCK UP ON1 fex 1 LIGHTBULBS CJ Sw5! ri XX NOW and yv) (xj BARGAIN BAG O' BULBS EACH BAG CONTAINS 150watt bulbi 100 watt bulbs 75 watt bulbs $p6 value for gi Pj tax Ind Buy the light you need and SAVE! 150 watt bulbs for reading lamps and the kitchen 100 watt bulbs for most other living area sockets 75 watt bulbs for low light level areas ill those empty sockets with the right size bulbs Your eyes will appreciate your thoughtfulness! Prices shown are based on Manu facturer'i current price schedules which are subject to change with out notice In the event of any change the prices listed In this plan will be adjusted accotdlngly The Company has no knowledge of any anticipated change BUY YOUR LIGHT BULBS ROM YOUR AVORITE DEALER Offer Good Octobef 1 to November 30 to Residential Customers Receiving Their Bills rom Kentucky Utilities Company and Old Dominion Power Company Use the coupon enclosed with the electric bill or get coupon from your dealer or our office KENTUCKY UTILITIES COMPANY 5.

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Author: The Hon. Margery Christiansen

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Name: The Hon. Margery Christiansen

Birthday: 2000-07-07

Address: 5050 Breitenberg Knoll, New Robert, MI 45409

Phone: +2556892639372

Job: Investor Mining Engineer

Hobby: Sketching, Cosplaying, Glassblowing, Genealogy, Crocheting, Archery, Skateboarding

Introduction: My name is The Hon. Margery Christiansen, I am a bright, adorable, precious, inexpensive, gorgeous, comfortable, happy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.