Rēbørn - A Naruto Fanfiction - Chapter 3 - aaliswalker (2024)

Chapter Text

“Memento mori.”

Rain dropped down the gutter; a flash of lightening followed by loud thunder.

The world was silent as they watched the rain fall. Kakuzu had a large hat which kept the rain off him; he snuck through the shadows, blending seamlessly with the night. The weather served as a perfect cover for his dark deeds, masking his movements and muffling any sounds he might make.

He approached the traditional Japanese mansion, a grand structure with sloping roofs and wooden walls, surrounded by a meticulously maintained garden. The mansion stood proud amidst the rain, its lights dimmed, and its occupants unsuspecting of the intruder. He moved silently across the wet grass, each step deliberate and cautious.

The rain fell steadily, lulling the mansion into a deeper state of slumber. Kakuzu reached the outer wall, his gloved hands finding purchase on the wet, slippery wood. He hoisted himself up with ease, the muscles in his arms straining silently as he pulled himself over the top and dropped soundlessly into the inner courtyard.

Here, the rain was slightly muted by the overhanging eaves of the roof. He crouched low, his eyes adjusting to the dim light. The courtyard was empty, save for a few carefully placed lanterns that cast long, flickering shadows.

“What do you see?” He asked to seemingly no one, but Yomi- who was casually flipping through a book back at the Inn could see everything.
“Keep your head still for a second.”

Kakuzu obeyed, his eyes suddenly became blurry like a thin film of cells had covered them, it felt freaky but he had seen freakier.

“He’s in the far right room, he’s alone don’t worry.”

Kakuzu nodded after getting the green light.

He moved quickly, hugging the walls and staying out of the light. His footsteps were as silent as the grave, his presence a mere whisper against the backdrop of the storm. Kakuzu reached a sliding shoji door and paused, listening intently for any sounds from within. Hearing none, he slid the door open just enough to slip through. He found himself in a long hallway, lined with tatami mats and decorated with simple but elegant furnishings. The air inside was cool and dry, a stark contrast to the dampness outside.

He knew where he was going. His target, the head of the Hiroshi merchant clan, was known to sleep in the innermost room of the mansion, away from the chill and noise of the outside world.

“He’s asleep, there’s someone in the next room so just keep an eye out.” Yomi’s voice came directly to his ears, just for him to hear.

Moving silently, Kakuzu made his way down the hallway, his senses alert to any changes in his surroundings. The soft rustle of his clothes and the barely perceptible creak of the wooden floorboards were the only sounds that accompanied him. He reached the end of the hallway and turned a corner, finding himself in front of another shoji door.
He slid the door open and stepped into the room. It was spacious and sparsely furnished, with only a low wooden table, a few cushions, and a futon where the old man lay sleeping.
Kakuzu approached the futon, his movements fluid and precise. He knelt beside the sleeping man, his eyes fixed on the peaceful face of his target. He was old and frail, his skin lined with age and his hair white and thin.

Without hesitation, Kakuzu reached into his cloak and pulled out a kunai. The blade gleamed in the dim light, a flash of silver in the darkness. He positioned the blade carefully, his movements deliberate and unhurried. The storm outside continued to rage, the thunder and lightning a fitting accompaniment to the grim task at hand.
With a swift, practiced motion, Kakuzu slit the old man’s throat. Hiroshi’s eyes flew open in shock, a gurgling sound escaping his lips as he tried to cry out. But it was too late. The life drained from his eyes, and his body went limp, the blood soaking into the futon and spreading across the floor.

Kakuzu wiped the blade on the old man’s clothes and returned it to his cloak. He stood up, his eyes scanning the room one last time to ensure there were no witnesses. Satisfied, he reached down and grabbed Hiroshi’s head, severing it from the body with a few quick, efficient cuts. He wrapped the head in a cloth and secured it to his belt before leaving the way he came.
Sneaking through the red district, Kakuzu moved swiftly. The narrow, dimly lit alleyways were bustling with activity, filled with vendors, gamblers, and those seeking entertainment. Bright red lanterns hung from every building, casting a warm, deceptive glow over the district. He avoided the main streets, slipping through back alleys and side passages, always alert for any signs of trouble. The air was thick with the scent of incense and food, mingling with the occasional whiff of something more illicit.

The bounty outpost was hidden behind a pub deep within the red district. Here, the bounty was collected by the underworld families. Kakuzu had no interest in getting involved, so he quietly asked for the secret drink and was taken to the back.

The back office was dimly lit, the air heavy with the scent of old paper and ink. Shelves lined the walls, filled with scrolls and books detailing countless bounties and transactions. A single, small window provided the only source of natural light, casting a weak beam across the cluttered desk. The desk itself was covered in ledgers, ink pots, and various writing instruments, with a small oil lamp flickering nearby.

He came to a young man who sat at the desk. Kakuzu didn’t care much for decorum and placed the head on the table. The man looked up, a brow raised.

“The Hiroshi head.”

“That was quick,” said the man, simply known as the district boss. He was young for his position, but in this world, there were numerous jutsu; youth was just superficial. A hidden guard jumped out of hiding, unwrapping the head of the man before nodding and bringing out a bag of money. Kakuzu weighed it in his hand before attaching it to his belt.

“Are you looking for another job?” the district boss asked, he had a striking appearance. Long, fiery red hair tied back in a high ponytail, and his intense yellow eyes, highlighted by green irises, gave him a fierce, almost predatory look. Despite his youthful appearance, there was a cold, calculating air about him, suggesting a depth of experience and ruthlessness.
“He’s pretty cute isn’t he?” Yomi’s voice came through.

Kakuzu ignored her, if he hadn’t gotten used to her thirst by now he would’ve been a sh*t ninja. “What is it about?” he asked.

The district boss handed him a piece of paper with a face. “This is quite a high rank for a newbie. But it’s you. We’ll set everything up; you just have to kill him.”

Kakuzu’s eyes greyed out again, and after a moment, Yomi spoke up. “Take it.”

Kakuzu returned the piece of paper. “We’ll take it, but we’re taking a week off first.”

The man at the desk smirked. “You guys are my talented newbies. One week is nothing. I’ll send updates in a week.” Kakuzu nodded before leaving through the noisy pub.

Life as a bounty hunter was surprisingly peaceful for Yomi; all she had to do was assist Kakuzu when he was away and make sure to heal him if he got injured. Part of her felt like a life like this was sustainable as long as they didn’t try to go after anyone crazily powerful. When Kakuzu came back from the job, his cloak was soaked. He peeled it off, revealing his sleeveless vest underneath. Yomi eyed his arms and welcomed him with a smile.

“Welcome back! How was it?” She was belly down on the bed, her legs leisurely swinging as she enjoyed the book she was reading.

“Fine,” Kakuzu said, going to the table to get some water.

Yomi’s eyes stalked him. He looked fine. “How does it feel? Your body isn’t rejecting it, right?”

“No, it still feels weird. You could take it out.”

Yomi nodded, closing her eyes to concentrate. Blood dripped from Kakuzu’s nose, which he wiped immediately.

“Isn’t there a nicer way of doing that?” he asked, reaching out for a tissue.

“You talk like controlling cells is easy. You’re lucky I’m a genius.”

“What kind of genius reads trashy books?” Kakuzu muttered, rolling his eyes.

“Well, geniuses need hobbies too. Right, Shi?”

“Who is Shi?” Kakuzu asked.

“Don’t worry about it, force of habit.”

He didn’t push for more information. Instead, he decided to go to the public bath downstairs while she refocused on her book. After Kakuzu left, she closed her book and turned over on the bed, her head hanging off the edge.

“Should I go outside?”

“Yeah, but I don’t know where to go.”

“I’ll just go talk to the granny downstairs.”

She had kept herself locked in the inn for days, sleeping, eating, and reading quite dramatic books. Despite being free, she enjoyed spending her time doing nothing. Walking down the stairs, she got to the reception where the old lady was taking care of the desk as usual.

“Good evening, granny!” she said cheerfully, sitting on one of the high chairs.

“Ah, Yomi, where have you been? I haven’t seen you for two days!”

Yomi flushed. She couldn’t possibly say she had been in bed for two days. “I haven’t been feeling well, so I had to rest for a bit.”

“Oh dear, are you feeling better now? Let me make you some tea!”

She felt guilty for lying, but the truth was too embarrassing. The announcing bell rang, and a group of people walked in. They looked like shinobi.

The three kids who entered first were an unusual trio. The first was a girl with striking blue hair styled with a flower accessory and a calm, composed expression. She wore a traditional black and green kimono, cinched with a white belt, and carried a small bag at her side. Her golden eyes were sharp and observant, taking in her surroundings with quiet intensity.

Next to her stood a boy with spiky orange hair and a confident demeanor. His orange hair stood out in sharp contrast to his companions, and his brown eyes held a determined look. He wore a similar kimono, but the way he carried himself suggested he was the leader of the group. His posture was straight, and his eyes scanned the room, constantly on alert. His eyes saw Yomi and his face reddened considerably.

The third member was a tall, lanky boy with long red hair that fell over one eye, giving him a slightly mysterious air. His pale skin and red hair made him look sickly, and his green eyes had a haunted look. He wore the same kimono as the others, but his presence was quieter, more reserved. He seemed to prefer staying in the background, watching and listening and so he noticed his friend’s awestruck stare and could only sigh.

Behind the trio, an older man entered. He had spiky white hair and a stern expression. His face was marked with bilateral red just under his eyes. He wore a simple, functional robe, adorned with various beads and earrings that jingled softly as he moved. He had a strong, imposing presence that commanded respect. His hands were calloused, and a faint scar ran across his cheek, adding to his rugged appearance.

Yomi couldn’t take her eyes off him.

“He’s cute, right shi?”

“Hm?” The granny asked, thinking the girl was talking to her.

“Um, it’s nothing!” She instantly said, reminding herself to talk to Shi in her mind.

The older man approached the reception desk, his eyes briefly meeting Yomi’s before he addressed the granny. “We need rooms for the night,” he said, his voice firm but polite.
Yomi blushed fiercely at his glance, he had only merely looked at her and that was enough.

The granny nodded, her hands moving deftly as she fetched the keys. “Of course, we have a few rooms available. Please, make yourselves comfortable.”

“Thank you, we’re hoping to get a bath, could you point out the way to the baths?”

“The baths? It’s-“

“I volunteer!” Yomi said standing up immediately shocking the granny who stood opposite her behind the reception. The mans’s brow raised as he saw her looking up at him with big eager eyes.
“Thank you, could you show us the way?”

She nodded enthusiastically instantly jumping off her chair. “My name is Yomi by the way! It’s a pleasure to meet you sir!” She said respectfully. He laughed at her eagerness, finding it endearing.
“I’m Jiraiya, these are my students.” He motioned to the trio behind him and they introduced themselves.

“I’m Konan, nice to meet you” The blue haired girl said with a soft smile, extending her hand which Yomi shook.

“you’re really pretty!” Yomi exclaimed making the girl beam.

“I’m nagato.” The red haired said calmly.

“I-I-m Y-Yahiko! Nice to meet you, Yomi-chan!” The orange kid stuttered extending his hand awkwardly, his face flustered. “N-Nice to meet you!”

“Um.. yeah, you too.” Yomi said taking his hand, before turning to Jiraiya. “Follow me upstairs!”

As they climbed the stairs to the upper floor, Yahiko tried to muster the courage to speak to Yomi. “Uh, Y-Yomi? How old are you?” he stammered, his hands twitching nervously.

Yomi glanced back at him, her eyes bright and her smile genuine. “Oh, I’m 15, well I’m about to turn 15 so I’m basically 15”

“W-When is your birthday?” Yahiko replied, his heart pounding. He quickly looked away, his cheeks flushing even more.

Nagato chuckled softly, giving Yahiko a gentle nudge. “You’re doing great, Yahiko,” he whispered teasingly.

Yahiko shot him a flustered look but didn’t respond. Instead, he focused on following Yomi, determined not to make a fool of himself.

“Hm now that I think about it…. In four days? I haven’t really been keeping track of the dates.”

As they reached the top of the stairs, Yomi turned her attention to Jiraiya. “So, Jiraiya-sensei,” she began, her tone sly, “have you been on a lot of adventures?”

Jiraiya smiled, his eyes twinkling with amusem*nt. “I’ve had my fair share of adventures. Being a ninja tends to take you to many interesting places.”

Yomi’s eyes widened with admiration. “That’s so cool! I bet you have a lot of exciting stories to tell, experiences to share...”

Jiraiya chuckled softly. “Maybe if you were five years older. For now, we should focus on getting everyone settled in.”

Yomi’s expression fell, but she didn’t give up. “I’d love to hear them someday,” she said, her voice laced with sincerity. “You must have so much…wisdom to share.”

Jiraiya’s mouth twitched, she was persistent. “Wisdom comes with experience. But remember, it’s important to learn from your own journey as well.”

Yomi’s eyes sparkled. “I hope to gain as much wisdom as you have one day.”

Yahiko, watching this interaction, couldn’t help but feel a pang of jealousy, he couldn’t quite understand Yomi’s obsession with wisdom all of a sudden. He balled his fists slightly, trying to keep his emotions in check. “Jiraiya-sensei is really impressive, isn’t he?” he said, attempting to join the conversation.

Yomi turned to Yahiko and smiled warmly. “He really is. You’re lucky to have such an amazing sensei.”

Yahiko nodded, swallowing his nerves. “He’s the worst, he reads trashy magazines on the regular!”

Nagato’s smile widened, and he gave Yahiko another encouraging nudge. “See? You’re doing fine,” he whispered.

“Hey! It’s a genuine work of literature!” Jiraiya tried to defend himself, Konan’s laughter erupted and the others laughed too, Yomi wasn’t sure what they were talking about so she could only smile awkwardly.

Yomi pointed out the rooms as they walked down the hallway. “These are your rooms. The baths are just down the hall to the right. I can show you if you’d like.”
“That would be helpful,” Jiraiya said, smiling.

As they approached the baths, Yomi turned to Konan. “Would you like to go to the baths with me?”

Konan’s eyes lit up. “Sure, I’d love that.”

Yomi felt bad for Konan, no matter how cute boys were, being the only girl in a group must be hard.

They changed and got in the baths they both talked casually. After settling down in the blissfully warm water, Yomi turned to Konan. “So, Konan, tell me about your sensei -Jiraiya. What’s he like?”

Konan raised an eyebrow. “Do you actually like him?”

Yomi grinned. “He looks so cool and gangster with the piercings and everything, which is just my type.” She explained.

Konan laughed. “He’s definitely….something. But I like energetic, optimistic men.”

Yomi teased her playfully. “Ooh, someone like Yahiko?”

Konan blushed slightly but smiled. “Maybe.” It was a shot in the dark but she was actually right? Yomi patted herself on the back.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the bath, the men settled in. Yahiko was dismayed at hearing Yomi’s interest in his sensei. “She likes Jiraiya-sensei…”

Jiraiya patted Yahiko on the shoulder. “Don’t worry, Yahiko. It’s just a childish crush.”

Nagato laughed at Yahiko’s predicament. “Maybe you should act like a gangster, Yahiko. She might like you then.”

Yahiko groaned. “Nagato, stop making fun of me.”

Jiraiya chuckled, enjoying the lively banter among his students. “Come on, Yahiko. Don’t take it to heart. You’ll find someone who likes you for who you are.”

Yahiko sighed. “I guess you’re right, sensei. It’s just... she’s really cute.”

Nagato smirked. “Just be yourself, Yahiko.”

Back in the women’s bath, Yomi and Konan continued their conversation, unaware of the boys listening on the other side.

“So, Konan, if you like energetic and optimistic men, does that mean you have a crush on Yahiko?” Yomi teased her voice hushed in a whisper.

Konan blushed deeper. “Maybe a little. He’s always so positive and determined. It’s inspiring.”

Yomi nodded. “Ambiguous men are pretty sexy.”

Konan smiled shyly. “What about you? Apart from the piercings what else do you like about Jiraiya?”

Yomi shrugged. “He just seems really cool and… experienced. I’ve always been drawn to that type.”

“Yeah he is a really good Ninja, experience is attractive.”

That was not what Yomi was referencing, but seeing Konan’s serious face she could only agree with her.

The two talked idly, their conversation shifting from the boys to ninja life. By the time the boys were done, Yomi and Konan were still in the bath. Jiraiya handed his students a small glass of milk.

“Why do women always take so long to get things done?” Nagato muttered, as they changed and waited for Konan in the hallway.

“They tend to be more meticulous; they don’t let things slide,” Jiraiya said, his hand behind his head as he rested his back against the wall. “On the bright side, doesn’t it feel good to be out of Amegakure? It’s always raining there. At least tomorrow we’ll be able to see the sun, and Nagato can actually get a tan.”

“I’m not that pale,” Nagato said, looking at his hands. “... Maybe I do need some colour. I can literally see all my veins.”

“You’re so pale you’re transparent,” Yahiko said, rolling his eyes.

“Translucent,” Nagato corrected.

“Yeah, whatever... Should I get piercings? It does look cool, doesn’t it?”

Jiraiya looked at him like he was crazy. Was he still on that idea? He sighed, remembering how aggressive teen crushes were. “At least on the bright side, we’re pretty safe here since Kusa is neutral… eh?”

A man walking past stopped to look at Jiraiya as he ended his sentence. His mouth was stitched, his red and green eyes were piercing, and he had long black hair.

“sh*t!” Jiraiya jumped back just in time, a burn mark left on the wooden wall.

“What the heck!?” Yahiko screamed as he and Nagato jumped back in the opposite direction.

“Well, well, if it isn’t the Sannin Jiraiya. Today is my lucky day.”

“Kakuzu of the Four Masks. I didn’t think I’d see you here,” Jiraiya said, his muscles tensed as he prepared for battle.

“Bounty hunting isn’t a bad way to pass the time, and once I have your head I can take a long holiday.”

“Yahiko! Nagato!” Jiraiya called, and the two nodded and attacked.

Meanwhile, Yomi dried her hair with a spare towel. She had changed back into her white shirt and leggings, her bed-rot uniform.

“We probably kept the boys waiting too long. They must be starving,” Konan said. She was very caring and empathetic; Yomi, not so much.

“Let them wait. They won’t die—!” Her senses screamed at her, she received a severe warning of a rush of adrenaline in Kakuzu’s system. He was in danger.

“sh*t!” she said as she bolted out of the changing room.

“Yomi!?” Konan called in confusion.

Yomi ran as far as her weak legs could carry her to the entrance of the bath. Opening the door, she found Kakuzu mid-hand sign, about to cast. “Stop!” she shouted immediately, and the four men stilled to look at her.

“Yomi! Get away from here! He’s dangerous!” Yahiko shouted, alarmed at her appearance. Yomi noticed the bruises on his arms and the bloodstains at the corner of his lips, and her face became dark. Meanwhile, Yahiko was freaking out. She had barely any chakra, so to him, she was just a civilian, and Kakuzu was a ruthless bounty hunter. With the flick of a finger, he could squash her like an ant!

“Girl, listen to Yahiko! Go find Konan! I’ll take care of this!” Jiraiya said again, getting ready to keep fighting.

She looked at Kakuzu with anger. “What do you think you’re doing!?” Yomi didn’t condone violence, but sometimes men needed discipline. She whacked Kakuzu at the back of his head, and he released his jutsu in shock. Taking the back of his head in her right hand, she forced him to bow. “We are so sorry for this! Please forgive him! He’s still a bit wild.”

Jiraiya’s eye twitched. What was this scene? A kid forcing a deadly ninja to apologize?

Yahiko’s soul had practically left his body. What the hell was happening right now?

Konan finally made her way to the entrance, her still damp hair covered with a towel. “Oh, it’s Kakuzu-san!”

“So Kakuzu is your…” Yahiko asked, unsure whether to say father, uncle, or lover.

“He’s my partner. We’re bounty hunters! I’m still single.” She emphasized the last part while looking at Jiraiya. He, however, was weirded out by the entire situation. “Sorry again about this, dinner is on us!”

“They don’t deserve our money...” Kakuzu began, but she cut him off, glaring a hole through his head.

“Dinner is on us.” He frowned, looking away with a pout.

Konan looked at her team members, seeing their clothes were messy. “Oh, were you guys fighting?”

‘YES!’ Everyone screamed in their heads.

Rēbørn - A Naruto Fanfiction - Chapter 3 - aaliswalker (2024)
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Author: Gregorio Kreiger

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Views: 6669

Rating: 4.7 / 5 (57 voted)

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Author information

Name: Gregorio Kreiger

Birthday: 1994-12-18

Address: 89212 Tracey Ramp, Sunside, MT 08453-0951

Phone: +9014805370218

Job: Customer Designer

Hobby: Mountain biking, Orienteering, Hiking, Sewing, Backpacking, Mushroom hunting, Backpacking

Introduction: My name is Gregorio Kreiger, I am a tender, brainy, enthusiastic, combative, agreeable, gentle, gentle person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.